Hi, I go by lots of names but probably the most fitting one is "173curse". Why? check the sightings page.
Now, maybe I will introduce myself a bit more. I am an 18 year old guy from Poland that has an interest in computer stuff. This is one of my first sites and I know it looks bad, it still in works and I am bad at web design. Now, I know this looks edgy and stuff, and that's actually the point of this site! I am inspired by those creepy japanese or other sites, they just have a special place in my heart, so I decided to try to make my own "creepy" site! Tell me if I succeeded (probably not haha). Now, now, I know it's really basic and stuff but I will be honest, I am always lacking motivation for bigger projects. Don't expect some groundbreaking animations, professional art and a very good looking website, that's not my thing, but maybe I will make some cliche point and click subsite, time will show! For now, I will keep updating my sightings page which I will use as an actual journal. I don't know what else can I add here, thanks for stopping by!!!
If you want to contact me, my discord is 173curse